Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Overview Of Software Testing

Quality Control Software

Software QA involves the development process - monitoring and improving the process and ensure that all standards and agreed procedures are followed and that problems are detected and treated. It is geared towards "prevention".

Software Quality

Quality software is reasonably bug free, delivered on time and within budget, meets requirements and / or expectations, and maintain. However, the quality is obviously a subjective term. This will depend on who the "client" and its overall influence on the order of things. A wide viewing angle of the "clients" of a software development project may include end users, customer acceptance testers, operators of customer contracts, customer management, organizational development management / accountants / testers / salespeople, future software maintenance engineers, stockholders, magazine columnists, etc. Each type of "client" will have their own opinions about the "quality" - the accounting department can define quality in terms of earnings, while the end user can define quality as easy and error free.

Software Testing

Tests on the system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating the results (for example, "if the user is the user interface and application while using hardware B, and C, then D should happen). under controlled conditions should include both normal and abnormal. Testing should intentionally groped to make things go wrong, if things happen when they should not or things do not happen when it should be. It 'aims to "survey".

* Organizations vary widely in how they assign responsibility for quality assurance and testing. Sometimes it is the joint responsibility of a group or individually. More common are project teams that include a mix of testers and developers work closely with a set of QA processes monitored by project managers. This will depend on what best suits the size of the organization and business structure.