Friday, July 19, 2013

Dragon Tattoos - Tips For Finding the Perfect Dragon Tattoo

                 Men who love to have their bodies inked are drawn to dragon tattoos. This design simply appeals to them. People who have no background about dragons may find this bizarre, but to those who know most, if not all the things about dragons, they would really search far and wide for the perfect design for them. For those who do not have a hunch of the significance of dragon tattoos and their symbolism, allow me to share an overview. Aside from the obvious reason that dragons are strong and mystical, they have alluring qualities, based on folklore and myth that have made them the most sought after designs by people. Examples of these qualities are good luck, charm, source of wealth, courage and bravery, power, and freedom. And because of these qualities also, an equal number of women have them on their body. Now, knowing the general idea about dragons is not the end of the quest.

               That was just the beginning in finding the perfect dragon tattoo for you. You may wonder why? Aren't all dragons supposed to be the same? The answer is no. Not all dragons are the same. There are two types of dragons and each type has different breeds, depending on their origins. Because of that, the first tip in finding your great dragon pattern is to know the answer to the question, what kind of dragon are you? You have to know if you are a western type of dragon or an eastern type. To differentiate these two, you have to know their characteristics. Western dragons are known to be fierce, evil and mercilessly throw fire to anyone living. Eastern dragons on the other hand, are good and serve as guardians. The best known eastern dragons are Chinese, Japanese and Korean dragons. All of them have their specific virtues that are loved by people.